Hallie Seasor - September 7, 2023
Artwork by - Rozanne Lorenzana

Beep beep beep
She hears the faint sound of her alarm clock
6:45, she thinks, I have time
Snoozing the insistent noise, she drifts back to sleep
Beep beep beep
Exactly nine minutes later, she hears it again
Lying awake in the warmth of her bed, dreading the day she has ahead,
she mutes her alarm again and falls back into her slumber
Beep beep beep
Nine minutes later, yet again
She groans, rolling over to silence the noise
Rising from her bed, she takes in the darkness of her room
Hum hum hum
Her fan whirs as it blows cold air in her face, waking her up
She walks across her room, shuts off her fan, and turns on her lights—
beginning her day like every other day, with the sounds of her room