Atlas Wasson - October 3, 2023

I ride the rollercoaster
because the thrill makes it worth it.
I was okay until the drop—
the lump in my throat
the sinking in my stomach
the nausea.
I'm screaming—
the only thing to distract me from throwing up.
the drop feels like it'll last forever
but that’s just it.
it won't.
it feels like I'll spend my whole life feeling this way,
like I’m unable to breathe;
it's one quick moment
but it happened.
I get off the ride
still nauseous
and I start to cry
I’m not sure why.
I didn’t think I cared that much
but that drop—
it stays in my mind
I feel sick thinking about it
I can’t even look at it.
I hate roller coasters
but I ride them still—
I don't know why.