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Supporting HER is making a difference in the community

Logan Hamather

Guest Writer

November 3, 2023

Cleaning for a cause - Members of Supporting HER gather to promote their $5 car wash fundraiser for donations at Westfield High School in May 2022.

Supporting HER is a life-changing, money-raising club that influences women and children every single day by making a change in the Indianapolis community.

Supporting HER creates a safe space for women within Westfield High School but also for women across parts of Indianapolis. This club is designed to provide help and care for women and children in need plus protect women’s diversity.

“I really enjoy helping people, especially women and those in need,” Vice President Morgan Rogers (12) said. “There are a ton of people who don’t take women’s issues seriously so I feel like being a part of this club would allow me to feel good about myself knowing I’m helping protect women.”

This club donates to a shelter called Dayspring Center for struggling women in Indianapolis.

“If other shelters reach out to our club, we will never say no to providing them with help,” President Natalie Khazal (12) said.

“We donate clothing, feminine products, and additional hygiene supplies that women and children might need,” Rogers said. “We’re talking about expanding our donations that we give to provide them with more needs.”

To be able to donate generous items to individuals and families in need, the club has to be open to discussing how they’re going to go about receiving the items to give to the citizens.

“Supporting HER does car washes, Christmas candy cane sales, bake sales, and more to raise money and clothing for donations,” Rogers said. “This year we plan to do those activities and more.”

Being in Supporting HER means going outside of Westfield High School to help give others what they need but the club is trying to make it a part of the high school also. Women in Westfield High School could benefit from having feminine care provided and unity around the school.

“Our club is also aiming for impacts within Westfield students like getting menstrual products in bathrooms and promote female inclusion,” Khazal said.

With this club leading to successful outcomes, there are a lot of people that go into this process. Supporting HER was created with the intention to come together to “help citizens get a little bit of relief from their struggles,” Rogers said.

“We have around 60 people in the club so far but we are still growing,” Khazal said. “We need as many people in Supporting HER to become more beneficial in the community.”

The club is held every other week on Mondays during core. During these discussions, the most talked about subject is ways to improve the help they provide and the benefits that the club is offering.

“We discuss fundraiser ideas and ways to strengthen our previous fundraisers to make them more successful,” Khazal said.

The sponsors of this club make an effort to let the students be creative and engaging when it comes to fundraising and coordination. This club is showing “not only a difference in student’s lives but women inside our community as well,” Club Sponsor Catherine Duda said.

“I wanted to sponsor this club because I love the impact and message this club is about,” Duda said. “I want to give back to our community in any way possible.”

This club is showing the true colors of students and teachers when they want to give back to their community with nothing in return.

“Being a part of this club makes me feel very fulfilled,” Duda said. “It also gives me a sense of purpose.”

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