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Fate's Cold Hand

Harrison Gapinski Coon - December 13, 2024

2024 Spooktober Contest - 3rd Place

Artwork: Ren Bond

I awoke, cold sweat dripping from my brow;

A vision struck my mind last night

I knew it was more than just a dream

It felt so clear in its sounds and sight

In this vision I was not myself,

 For I did things I would never do awake

A corpse lay down beneath my feet

These vile thoughts, I couldn’t shake

It will happen soon, If I hesitate

I can’t ignore this feeling of dread

I will stop this act. For if I don’t,

I would find myself with hands stained red

Whatever it takes, I will avoid my fate

I won’t follow Death’s command

I must not break, lest I fall prey

To the will of Fate’s cold hand

I left my bed to take a stroll,

To ease my troubled mind

The vision, it still plagues my thoughts

I tried to leave it behind

My nerves had started to get to me

My eyes were darting to and fro

I picked up my pace, ignoring the crowd

That was staring at me from the road

I broke into a sprint, ignoring them all

I just had to get away,

To stop myself from hurting that man

Who I dreamt about today

Whatever it takes, I will avoid my fate

I won’t follow Death’s command

I must not break, lest I fall prey

To the will of Fate’s cold hand

I laughed, for these voyeurs were driving me mad

Their peering eyes were burning my skin

“They’re waiting,” I spat, and I tore and I screamed,

“For me to commit my foretold sin”

 I could feel each one of them watching me,

They knew what I was destined to do

Their terrible eyes pierced my brain

It split my failing mind in two

Their watchful eyes like needles and pins

I couldn’t take their judgment further

I took out my rage on the evil specters,

And fulfilled the prophesied murder

I chuckled to myself at the irony

For the attempt to avoid my fate,

Is the very thing that brought me here,

And brought this man to heaven’s gate

After some time I came to my senses,

 And realized what I had done at last

My grief and guilt were overwhelming

“What had I done, in the hours past?”

My hands moved slowly to my own neck

I needed to stop my unholy breath

I had to right the evil I did

The final laugh belonged to death

Despite my attempts to avoid my fate,

I still followed Death’s command

I lost. Now I stroll towards Hell’s gate,

Guided by Fate’s cold hand.


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