By ANNIKA KINTZEL, February 11, 2022

It’s strange that
Bubbles can grow so big
I see others in theirs and I think
“They’re so amazing,
So cool,
So creative.”
My friends have huge bubbles
Because they have
Talents and passions,
Unlike me
My bubble is tiny
I hesitantly put my words on the page,
I hang my art upon my wall
Yet no one comes to see
Am I doing something wrong?
They tell me they started small too,
That they’re really not that amazing,
That cool,
That creative.
But I push
And I kick
And I yell
Yet nobody comes
I have a sign
Upon the wall
But no one stops to look
My bubble is so tiny
I can barely fit inside
So when others see it
It makes me wish
That I could hide.